Important News, 2/14/2025: Holiday Closures. The Credit Union will be Closed in Observance of President’s Day on Monday, February 17, 2025. (Click here for more Info)
A burial account is a specifically designated account of up to $1,500 in value set aside to pay for funeral expenses. Each eligible individual and spouse may have their own burial account. Burial accounts must be kept separate from all non-burial related resources. If they are co-mingled, the burial exclusion will not apply. For example, burial accounts cannot be kept in the same bank account into which the individual’s SSI check is deposited. Interest or other appreciation of burial accounts is not counted as income or resources even if the total of the burial account thus excluded exceeds $1,500. However, once money is designated as a burial account, the eligible individual cannot use the fund for non-burial purposes. Improper use of the account will result in a financial penalty that is withheld from SSI benefits.