Important News, 2/14/2025: Holiday Closures. The Credit Union will be Closed in Observance of President’s Day on Monday, February 17, 2025. (Click here for more Info)
VCCFCU was made aware today of a fictitious website attempting to gain our member’s online banking information by means of Phishing.
Phishing occurs when a scammer uses fraudulent emails or texts, or copycat websites to get you to share valuable personal information – such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, or your login IDs and passwords. Scammers use your information to steal your money, or your identity, or both.
Though our website and our secured home banking service were not breached, we felt strongly that our membership be warned of these phishing and spoofing emails so that members do not fall for such identity theft attempts. We strongly advise online banking users to change their login ID if they are still using their social. Your chosen Logon ID cannot contain your member number, Social Security Number or email address. We also ask that members update their security codes and security questions periodically as a precaution.
Protect yourself from Phishing by taking these precautions:
Lastly, always remember that our website is and that before you enter your online banking security code/password, there is another layer of security that shows the passphrase you select ed when you first set up your account. If you do not see this passphrase on the website when logging in, DO NOT enter your password and contact us immediately by calling 718-549-5858.
Please rest assured that VCCFCU is constantly working to keep your information secure.
Mirela Alexe